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Securing land and territorial rights for Indigenous Peoples

The Science for Action Series is jointly coordinated by the International Land Coalition (ILC) and the Global Land Programme (GLP). It brings together key findings from research networks relevant to ILC’S ten commitments to People-Centred Land Governance. The Series facilitates exchange of knowledge between scientists, civil society, and grassroots organisations to strengthen efforts of land users, practitioners and policy-makers to bring about positive change in land governance.

This brief refers to Commitment Five, to: Respect and protect the inherent land and territorial rights of Indigenous Peoples, as set out in ILO Convention 169 and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including by recognizing that respect for indigenous knowledge and cultures contributes to sustainable and equitable development and proper management of the environment. It is based on the research of CIFOR, the Center for International Forestry Research, a member of the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR), and an ILC member.

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